British Masters Cross Country Championships – Herrington Park

By Mandy Herworth

As I’d missed the Nationals last month I arrived at Herrington park with an innocent lack of fear for the race ahead, however, I soon became aware that this was still a raw memory for some of my competitors who made many comments about the recent hellish race whilst casting fearful glances into the distance, praying please, please, don’t let the mud be as bad as last time!

This was a 3 lap race for the women and men over 65 years,  4 laps for the men 35 -65 years. The course  missed out the large climbs of the nationals, we had one short steep climb but other than that it was ‘undulating’ which translates to repeated  laps of constant slog in mud that didn’t exactly have you slipping and sliding but took its toll on the legs, sapping all the life from them.

It was great to compete with some very talented veteran runners from all over the country; I did feel a bit like I wasn’t trying hard enough when a man 30 years my senior overtook me! I knew this as we all had our age categories pinned to the back of our vests, which made for some interesting reading when out on the course. What I most enjoyed was being finished and able to enjoy coffee and cake whilst watching the men battle it out, Kenny worked hard representing Claremont in what was a very competitive field.



Ladies     6k

62nd Mandy Herworth   29.32

Men 35 – 65     8k

142nd Kenny McCormick   46.54

transcendit -
Categories: Race ReportsResults

