Ultimate Trails 55k, 1st July 2017

You know you’re a runner when your idea of a hen do is running miles and miles through some of the toughest terrain in the country. Congratulations to the Claremont ladies for completing the Ultimate Trails 55k!

Either because she was delirious, under the influence of alcohol or perhaps both, Nina managed to persuade Julie D to send this musical race report on their unusual celebration of Colette’s upcoming nuptials:

Tune 1

Pack a banana in your Camelbak and smile,smile smile,
Whilst you’ve the energy to eat a flapjack, smile girls, that’s the style,
What’s the use of worrying, it’s only thirty seven miles, So
Pack a banana in your Camelbak and smile,smile smile!

(To be sung to the tune of Pack up your troubles)

Tune 2

It’s a long way to do an ultra, it’s a long way to go,
It’s a long way to do an ultra, and the pain begins to show
Goodbye to the TV, Farewell comfy chair,
Its a long long way to do an ultra, but my feet are there!

(To be sung to the tune of Long way to Tipperary)

These were the tunes that kept us going around 36.5 miles of rocky difficult terrain for about 12 hours! These choruses are a sort of archaic mashup and can therefore be sung together in perfect harmony!

transcendit -
Categories: PhotosRace ReportsResults

