NEHL Wrekenton, 30th September 2017 – Report & Photos
The North East Harrier League opening event at Wrekenton saw a good turnout of Claremont Road Runners, including a number of cross-country debutant and a larger than normal quantity of snacks and cakes!
The day kicked-off with a fine performance by Grace Scott, our only junior representative, in the under 11 girls’ race. Grace knocked more than a minute of her time from last year and she still has a couple of years to run in this age group, so I am sure we will see her times tumble further. Daisy Martin and Cath Robson also had their first taste of cross-country competition and hopefully enjoyed it.
The ladies continued their good form from last year and finished 5th in Division Two. The 9 girls were led home by Nicki O’Brien in her first Harrier League outing. Nicki finished an impressive 35th and will be promoted to join Sarah Bowen and Catherine Young in the medium pack for the rest of the season.
Having struggled to get a full men’s team at times last season, we had enough for two teams and a reserve this time out. Roberto Marzo led us home with Anthony Liddle, who is running really well at the moment, also posting an impressive time as 2nd Claremonter home. A special mention must be made of Christopher Gillie – Chris only joined the club just over a week ago and this was his first outing with us. Chris Carr, Matt Diment and Dean O’Brien also joined some of the more experienced cross-country runners and didn’t let us down.
The weather had been kind and the course in good condition, so the only blot on the day was the sudden heavy shower that started just as we were getting ready to pack up. So it was a wet tent and flag that was packed away by some soggy runners. I am sure the sun will shine on them next week at Druridge Bay!