Slacks on (different) tour – Sunday 12 August, 2018
Marie – Isle of Man half marathon 2.15.11
Richard – Lowther Fair half marathon fell race 2.02.24
An eventful weekend for the Slacky tours. Marie set off to Liverpool for the Isle of Man ferry early Saturday morning while Richard drove over to Cumbria for the Lowther Fair race. At one point in the preceding week the weather looked shocking with even some doubt over sailings! However, unlike the coastal run, Sunday dawned with a much improved forecast of cloud and occasional sun, although Marie did drive through early morning fog with the sound of the Isle of Man foghorn on the way to her early start of 9.30am. Richard tootled off to Lowther Show where the fell runners had a special car park by the castle, which meant a two minute walk to number collection and the start. Richard’s start was across a grassy field in contrast to Marie who started and finished at the Ramsey stadium. Marie would highly recommend this run with small field and top quality organisation and marshaling throughout. Also another good run on the way back from injury.
A brief report on Lowther:
Superb fell race for anyone fancying a go next year. Yes it’s hilly over mixed terrain but the hills are not monsters lying on the perimeter of Lakeland. Running from the castle the run heads to the village of Askham before a couple of miles uphill to Heughscar common (top 1,231 foot and 700 feet of ascent from Askham)– the first check point and the first hill done. Superb views over Ullswater and the High Street range of mountains. Then a long downhill on meadow grass towards the first drinks station at 6 miles in. The route then meanders down to the River Lowther which you wade across (calf high) using the guide rope. After that, the steep climb lies ahead, Knipescar Common (top 1,118 foot) – whilst only around 500 foot of ascent from the river, for most of us this is definitely a power walk after the initial part of the ascent. However, thereafter the race is pretty level to the checkpoint at around 9 miles and then over fields to another long downhill back to the Lowther Castle grounds. A slight sting in the tail with a final half mile uphill but then you’re finished.
Great day out all round and both highly recommended!