Blyth Links 10K, 27th August 2019

A very hot and sticky day threatened to turn into a stormy night as lightning lit up the sky as the runners assembled and collected their numbers ready for the run.  It was quite scary as we walked down to the start line – to pinch the title of Nina’s Strava, “Thunderbolts and lightning, very, very frightening” (Can’t think where she got that from!) – but we were spared any heavy rain and the storm passed over without causing any problem to the runners.

In fact it turned into a pleasant evening for running on this beautiful course, well planned and marshaled by the lovely folk of Blyth Running Club, and I believe a few of us got course PBs! Roberto Marzo claimed an excellent top 10 finish, while Sarah Kerr and Catherine Young were 4th and 6th lady respectively.

10Roberto Marzo38:05
25Tom Tinsley40:31
32Sarah Kerr41:41
34Catherine Young41:43
46David Lydall43:06
49Heather Steel43:30
56Stephen Huntley43:59
87Chris Gillie46:42
89Anthony Liddle46:52
96Richard Slack47:42
99Maria Duenas47:53
109Nina Jentl48:32
117Kat Truong49:01
134Rose Hawkswood49:52
147Nina Jensen50:59
153Alan Dunning51:25
165Daisy Martin53:09
171Serpil Bulut53:52
209Dave Kear57:31
223Kenny McCormick59:04
265Leanne Salem65:21
Tom Tinsley -
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