Ambleside Trail 60, 8th Sept 2019

While we lesser mortals were congratulating ourselves on completing the Great North Run, Sarah Bowen was doing something much harder over in Cumbria- the Ambleside 60km Trail Run. Apologies for the delay in posting Sarah’s report- this is entirely my fault.

This was my first ultra trail race and I loved it! The sun was shining and everyone was so friendly; volunteers, supporters & runners alike. The event was brilliantly organised and the entire course marked, so unlike fell running, I could just run and run and run without getting lost! It was 60km with 2120m ascent. The course started & finished in Rothay Park, Ambleside, which made a great base for the weekend and it was over really runable terrain. We followed a trail through Loughrigg, Tarn Hows, the Langdales, Langstrath and Gibson Knott apparently; it was beautiful with amazing views and a few good climbs! The food stations were a particular highlight with local cafes & hotels sponsoring and so the cakes, sandwiches, energy balls, tea etc etc went down very well (apparently the sausages & frittata were lovely too but I was wasn’t feeling them!). My only regret was a last minute decision to wear trainers instead of fell shoes; yet another bog that I’m too closely acquainted with!!
I had no real target other than finishing under the cut off time of 14 hours and so I was really happy to finish in 8:43:07 in 39th place and 6th woman.
I would thoroughly recommend this race and as they had such good feedback it will be back again on 13th September 2020… entries are open already!

Tom Tinsley -
Categories: General

