Lads v Lasses LEJOG Challenge, January 2021

The latest Claremont lockdown challenge saw the Lads pitted against the Lasses to see who could get from Land’s End to John O’Groats the fastest.

It was an extremely close thing throughout the 9 days that it took to complete the route. The Lads took a narrow lead on day 1, extended it on day 2 but the Lasses narrowed the gap on day 3. It was only on day 7 that the Lasses overtook the Lads, somewhere on the A9 in the Scottish Highlands. They then held onto the lead reaching John O’Groats on day 9 while the Lads still had 14.5 miles to go. The Electoral Commission then found some unrecorded mileage turned up for the Lads but this would still have left them an agonising 2 miles from the finish, so the result stands and it is a 5th consecutive victory for the ladies.

Having led the Lads to 5 consecutive defeats, pressure is mounting on team captain Tom Tinsley, with cries of “Tinsley out” echoing around Sport Central and the bandstand. Questions are being asked about his ability to motivate the team.

However, Tom was trying to remain upbeat and said “Firstly I would like to congratulate our opponents. Nina and the Lasses are a top, top team. They have some real stars. I mean, how do stop the likes of Sarah Bowen? 31.9 miles in a day is just ridiculous!”

“I understand the frustrations of our supporters, but I still have belief in our squad. We have good lads and a lot of quality and I am sure we will get it right soon. We will just get back onto the streets and the parks, train hard and the results will come.”

Click here for a full report with a day by day summary, and here for a spreadsheet so that you can see everybody’s contributions.

Tom Tinsley -
Categories: Club NewsGeneral

