10K races, April 2021

Catherine Young has recently run in a couple of contrasting 10K races. Firstly she went down to Dalton Park on a bitterly cold, windy day to tackle a tough course that ends with a steep climb! This Sunday, 25th April, Catherine went to Teesside for the Middlesbrough Endeavour Graded 10K. Much better weather and a flatter course for this one, but great times for both. Well done, Catherine.

41:3925th (4th female)Run Durham Dalton Park Easter 10K
39:2314th (3rd female)Middlesbrough Endeavour Graded 10K (Race 2)
Dalton Park 10K
Finishing Boro 10K
Post Boro 10K
Pre Boro 10K
Middlesbrough 10K

Tom Tinsley -
Categories: PhotosResults

