NEHL Wrekenton, 25th September 2021

It was cross-country, Jim, but not as we know it! **

Instead of spikes, mud, wellies, coats and bobble hats, it was road shoes, sun-cream and shades for the start of the 2021 North Eastern Harrier League season at Wrekenton! The ground was dry and rock-hard; the long, cut grass at the start and finish area could have been harvested for hay and the hundreds of runners created a massive dust cloud as they descended the hill on the soil and gravel path. The heat also played a part, and I, for one, have never sweated so much at a cross-country event (Note to self: Sauvignon Blanc is not the ideal way to rehydrate). Still, it was good to be back!

Late withdrawals due to illness and Track and Trace isolation requirements depleted the Claremont teams, though Lena still turned up to support. Also, Ari Hodgson turned up to give it a go despite being under the weather, but sensibly decided to call it a day half-way around. There were still enough of us to put out full teams with a couple of reserves – and fewer runners means more cake for the rest of us. It was also good to have Grace Scott representing us in the Junior events after an absence of a couple of seasons.

** Younger readers may need to look here to get this reference.

Under 13 Girls
52Grace Scott15:18
Ladies & Over 65 Men
33Sarah Kerr29:44 (Medium pack. Actual time 27:24)
118Julija Stoniute32:49
138Liz Denyer33:26
160Maria Duenas33:54 (Medium pack. Actual time 31:34)
290Marie Slack39:11
298Gill Milne39:40
318Bill Milbourne 40:31 (Over 65 Men)
364Kenny McCormick45:01 (Over 65 Men)
182Anthony Liddle41:58
214Sonam Wangdi42:53
222Tom Tinsley43:05
317Dean O’Brien46:01
346Jamie Harding46:52
355Duncan Scott47:14
360Howard MacLennan47:23
467David Devennie53:45

Thanks to Lena, Gill and Maria for adding to my efforts with the camera, and, of course, to the excellent Stuart Whitman Photography and Geoff Fenwick for allowing free use of their photos:

Tom Tinsley -
Categories: Cross CountryNorth East Harrier LeaguePhotosRace ReportsResults

