parkrun, 27th August 2022

There was no Leazes parkrun this week and so Town Moor and Jesmond Dene were the popular local choices. There were some good performances everywhere, though the Town Moor seemed to be the one place where no PBs were recorded!

There was a first place finish for Kris Axon at Jesmond Dene. Kris recorded a PB, as did Fred Besse. Elsewhere there were PBs for Marie Slack at Herrington and Niki Szlovak at Riverside, and a holiday PB in Largs for David Devennie, beating his time from last Saturday.

Town Moor
20:04Tom Tinsley
21:36Ben Hardy
21:52Heather Steel
23:42Julie Cross
26:15Paul Hughes
27:00Alex Harding
28:29Mary Rack
31:58Elizabeth O’Mahony
Jesmond Dene
17:17Kris Axon (1st, PB)
22:33Fred Besse (PB)
24:19Maddie Day
25:25Allie Wilson Craw
26:29Nina Jentl
26:35Luke Woodend
27:11Tara Hipwood
36:36Lena Lou
Herrington Country Park
26:52Marie Slack (PB)
19:49Nikoletta Szlovak
Largs Prom
21:36David Devennie
Peel, Salford
26:43Mariana Mouzinho
Tom Tinsley -
Categories: parkrunResults

