Halloween High Jinks, 29th & 31st October 2022

Firstly, there was the Zombie Run, where Nina Jensen and Lois Blaylock took on all manner of scary creatures whilst running laps around Alnwick Gardens. Gladly, they completed the 5K course and lived to run another day! Then, on Halloween itself, the Claremont Coven went out trick or treating. In Gill’s words:

“Led by Grand High Witch Nina Jensen, the Claremont Coven of Gill Milne, Cath Robson and Leanne Salem went on their annual Halloween Breeze cycle ride on October 31st itself. This year the 10 mile route went along the Quayside from the Cycle Hub, over the Millennium Bridge and along Keelman’s way to Scotswood Bridge and then back along Hadrian’s Wall Cycleway. It made a change from our usual running routes and they were able to scare and delight other witches, ghouls and devils they encountered along the way. About 2 miles from the end, Leanne, in true magical tradition mysteriously disappeared although there could be some truth in the rumour that the Coven had reached the bottom of her street! It was a perfect evening for cycling and the Coven hope more Claremont witches (sorry ladies!) will join them next year.”

Tom Tinsley -
Categories: Club NewsGeneralPhotos

