Buddy’s Big Bobble Bimble, 4th December 2022

Nina Jensen and Simon Lowe both took part in Buddy’s Big Bobble Bimble, so named because runners get a bobble hat, in Herrington Country Park. This event, organised by Saturn Running, allows runners to choose their distance on the day from 5K to an Ultra. Both Nina and Simon settled for the marathon! In Simon’s words:

“A bit a different one for me – 6.5 hrs to run as many 4.4 mile laps as you want. I set off with the intention of running 50km (7 laps). All felt good until lap 6 when my cold got the better of me, so I decided to call it a day after a marathon.
On a separate note, it was far muddier than I expected. I actually slipped in the mud while avoiding some swans on the second mile, slipping right over and getting completely covered in mud. Luckily I had my waterproof jacket on so decided to take that off after warming up. Nonetheless i think the state of me must have given some of the other runners a bit of a laugh.”

Results aren’t available yet, but, according to Strava, Simon finished in 3:43 and Nina in 4:56. A big “well done” to both!

Tom Tinsley -
Categories: Race ReportsResults

