NEHL Lambton Castle, 20th October 2024

Due to various absences and injuries, we had a smaller cross-country turnout than usual (with the men even outnumbering the women, a rare occurrence!). However, once the driving wind and rain had given way to some sunshine, there were three cross-country debuts in Claremont colours for Jim Crinnion (one week on from the Chicago marathon), …

NEHL Thornley Hall Farm, 28th September 2024

Following the very wet winter which meant that this fixture, and Lambton, had to be cancelled last season due to the fields being far too wet to be used for parking, this year’s Harrier League sees us running the venues in a new sequence. So instead of the usual start venue of Wrekenton, we ventured …

NEHL Alnwick, 2nd March 2024

Alnwick has become the traditional location for the season finale, with the scenic venue being seen as a great way to end the year, but this year’s very wet winter has seen two events re-arranged for later dates. So it was a new experience to have a “mid-season” run around the pastures taking in the …

Sherman Cup / Davison Shield, 6th January 2024

Although part of the North East Harrier League season, this is a one-off event with clubs scoring points for the performance of all their teams from junior to veteran. The Sherman Cup is the male version, with the Davison Shield being the female competition. In the races that Claremont are involved in, there are separate …

NEHL Aykley Heads, 25th November 2023

It was a dry, bright, cold day as the North East Harrier League said goodbye to Aykley Heads as a venue – the redevelopment of County Hall meaning that it will no longer be available. I think it is fair to say that Aykley Heads, although seen as tough and hilly, was a popular course …


