parkrun, 22nd September 2018
No winners this week! However Gill has pointed out that we both won our age categories at Gibside and we can’t be expected to win anything else at our age! So, having christened Charlotte and Dan as Claremont’s “golden couple” the other week, I am claiming the title of Claremont’s “golden oldie couple” for Gill and I this week! (Quick boast – I also had the highest age grading!).
Elsewhere, a very impressive PB for Clare McKitterick at Newcastle, where Kirsten Moegel also ran her first and only parkrun with us before she returns to Germany next week after her all too brief stay. Unfortunately Kirsten must have been an “unknown” as she is in the photos but not the results (apparently 110th).
Newcastle parkrun
19:27 Roberto Marzo
21:40 Chris Jones
21:57 Paul Hughes
22:21 Mungai Wairia
22:44 Kirsten Moegel
23:09 Clare McKitterick (PB)
23:18 Lucy Dunbar
23:53 Brian Hegarty
26:25 Kat Truong
27:34 Rose Hawkswood
28:51 Alice Vialard
29:42 Marga Burke-Lowe
Sheffield Hallam parkrun
19:38 John Lea-Wilson
Whitley Bay parkrun
22:33 Chris Gillie
26:09 Daisy Martin
Gateshead parkrun
23:17 Heather Steel
33:21 Dave Manners
Riverside parkrun
23:47 Dave Wotton
Gibside parkrun
21:24 Tom Tinsley
31:13 Gill Milne
Rising Sun parkrun
23:01 Luke Woodend
27:33 Bill Milboune
Keswick parkrun
20:31 Sumanth Nayak
22:49 Richard Slack