Fell ‘Em Doon 5 Miler, 14th July 2023

Another week, another 5 mile race, swapping the balmy environs of the Newcastle quayside for a rain-soaked, muddy wood in Ashington.

Ashington Hirst Running Club’s ‘Fell’ Em Doon’ Festive 5k has been a fixture for some years now, but this was only the 2nd edition of the 5 mile version. A relatively small field of 136 runners lined up to brave the elements.

After a quick warm-up down a nearby track, the pre-race photo suggested we had chosen to go for a swim instead.

The rain was relentless, though the 2 lap woodland course meant that we were offered some shelter by the trees. Already wet through, the constant puddles were of little concern, and though the mud proved slippery in places, it was mostly negotiated without issue. Mostly.

A brief, but particularly muddy exposed stretch did prove slightly treacherous, and on the first lap Sarah slipped quite violently on a dip going down to a small bridge. Luckily she regained her footing quickly.

Adopting my Weetslade strategy, I followed Sarah closely for nearly 2 miles, before she inevitably began to pull away. The route was generally flat, on man-made trail paths, with a couple of gradual inclines that weren’t too troubling.

Splashing through the finish past the purple AHRC flag, caked in mud, the rain had somehow gotten worse, beating down on us as we were handed dripping goody bags (a snazzy mug rather than a t-shirt) and cups of water. There was also a dazzling array of homemade cake on sale from a car boot, which I was quick to home in on.

Big congratulations to Sarah on finishing as 1st lady, for which she received a mini foam roller and free entry to a future race. Long-time friend of Claremont, and now member, Dave Nolan was also out in his Low Fell colours to partake in the bedraggled fun. All three of us finishing in the top 10 was a great showing, and the event could be seen as something of a ‘dry’ run for the upcoming cross-country season.

Position RunnerTime
7thSarah Kerr (1st Female) 32:32
9thLaurie Johnson 32:50
10thDave Nolan33:23
Laurie Johnson -

