Beer Mile, 14th June 2024

Problems with finding a suitable date and last minute withdrawals meant that there was a reduced field of 4 competitors for this year’s Rose Hawkswood Beer Mile. The forecast rain held off and it was a lovely evening at City Stadium for the runners/drinkers and the spectators who had come to watch the madness unfold.

All 4 had chosen different beers, with Rose opting for bottles while the other 3 had cans, which led to some debate as to which receptacle made it easier to drink quickly! Sonam Wangdi was first to empty his can and he set off at a steady pace around the track, followed at a short distance by Jim Crinnion then David Lydall with Rose being last to start running.

Sonam was proving himself to be as good at drinking as he is at running and gradually increased his lead over each lap, showing his experience at the event by not trying to do either too fast! Jim had discovered that starting off the run too quickly could have potentially disastrous effects by the second bend, but managed to keep it together and maintain second place. The contest for 3rd place was more intriguing with David Lydall struggling to finish his final can, which enabled Rose to claim the final spot on the podium.

Everybody seemed to enjoy it, nobody was ill and, as they headed off to Ernest’s Cafe Bar for food and more beer, there was even talk of having another event later in the year!

Well done to all 4 “athletes” – though I think you are all mad!

Tom Tinsley -
Categories: PhotosRace Reports

