Newcastle parkrun 11/05/13
It’s going to take some doing matching last week’s record turnout but 434 isn’t bad considering the overcast and blustery conditions. It’s been a while since I’ve run regularly but it looks like the gravel section behind the museum has dried out nicely. Let’s hope it stays that way. Well done to Colin Reid on a new PB and the rest of you for such a great turnout.
19:10 Jeremy Smith
19:56 Matthew Kingston (20 min pacer)
19:59 Tom Tinsley
20:58 Sumanth Nayak (21 min pacer)
21:38 Colin Reid
21:42 Charlotte Spencer
22:01 Mungai Wairia
23:52 Chris Hogarth
24:10 Robert Brand
26:03 Ken McCormick
26:12 Dave Kear
26:35 Mary Martin